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Despicable conduct of legislators

The ugly scenes we witness during the live telecasts of Parliament proceedings last few days shows the depths to which our legislators have sunk. Their indecent behavior is an insult to the dignity and decorum of the House and an affront to the voters who elected them.

These ugly scenes which started with verbal assaults later developed into full blown brawls resulting in minor casualties. It is clear that the intention of the present Government party legislators is to prevent the normal functioning of Parliament.

Accusations are traded across the floor and flimsiest excuses are given for fresh protests and violent behavior. Several questions arise.

One accusation is that some members have brought offensive instruments to the House. Why was this charge not investigated according to Parliamentary procedures? Should that be an excuse to prevent the Hon. Speaker form conducting the business of the House? Could it justify the breaking of his chair and the destruction of public property? Could it justify the hurling of missiles and throwing chili powder at the Speaker and officials?

It has been the practice of both sides to cite past evidence of misdeeds of the opposing side to justify their present misbehavior? This is not a practice that can be condoned.

For example, Minister Permayouth in defending their violent behavior in Parliament tried to explain it as a reaction to the conduct of rowdies who had invaded the public gallery. However, it turned out that the governing party legislators were worst rowdies.

The public from the humble labourers upwards pay for the up-keep of legislators and pay special allowances for Parliamentary attendance. Though disrupting the work of Parliament, they nevertheless would pocket these allowances. Is it not robbing public money?

Most legislators swear to defend democracy at the cost of their lives. But many of them have voted for the 18thAmendment to the Constitution which gave autocratic powers to the executive President and are still defending the system of executive presidency, which before our very eyes has caused the present Constitutional impasse.

Will the political leadership nominate these same hooligans to contest next elections? Would they be elected again as “Saviours of the Motherland” and offered ministerial portfolios (again to defend democracy!)? Will all their sins be forgotten by the voters due to the love for a Messiah of their choice who defends the culprits?


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